1. 情緒崩潰 go/fall to pieces
情緒崩潰是很多上班族或多或少都會遇到的問題,無論是堆積如山的工作還是同事太雷,一直拖累團隊的進度。這種情況下,你就可以用 falling to pieces 來表達心累、快要崩潰的狀態。
- Sam is falling to pieces due to excessive assignments at work.
Sam 由於被指派的工作太多,已經要情緒崩潰了。
Excessive 在這裡有「過多」的意思,如 excessive alcohol consumption(酒精飲用過量)。
除了 fall to pieces 之外,另一個常見的說法是 go to pieces。
- Our team went to pieces during a meeting when the manager moved the project deadline forward.
這裡 move the deadline 是「更改截止日期」的意思,若在 move 後面加上 forward 或 up,可以表示將截止日期「提前」,「延後」則是 move back。
(圖/ Unsplash)
2. 分身乏術 have a lot on one’s plate
相信許多上班族對工作量分配不均的狀況已經見怪不怪,但真的做不完一定要跟上級反應,不然累死自己得不償失啊!如果要用英文表達自己已經分身乏術,沒辦法再做更多事情的時候,可以說 I have a lot on my plate.。有時為了要加強語氣表示真的不能再接更多工作,就可以補上 already,變成 I already have a lot on my plate.。
- Jane already has a lot on her plate, so she can’t take on any extra shifts this week.
Jane 已經分身乏術了,所以她這週沒辦法再值更多班了。
另一個表達分身乏術的說法為 be swamped,表示「忙翻天了」。
- John is completely swamped with work this week.
3. 失敗、完蛋 bite the dust
- When his business bit the dust, he had to sell everything to pay off his debt.
(圖/ Unsplash)
4. 身陷麻煩 be in deep trouble
人非聖賢,孰能無過?工作上出錯在所難免。當你未在期限內完成主管交辦事項或是因為不細心導致疏失,認為自己可能惹麻煩了,就可以用 I’m in deep trouble. 「我死定了」來表示。
- Jack knows he’s in deep trouble because he missed the deadline for his sales report.
Jack 知道他麻煩大了,因為他錯過繳交業務報告的期限。
有時候同事之間也可以跟彼此說 You’re in deep trouble!,也就是我們常用的「你死定了」的意思。
- A: Oh, no! I forgot to send the manager my 2021 marketing plan.
B: You’re in deep trouble! She reminded you several times this week.
A:不!我忘記把 2021 行銷計畫寄給經理了。
【同場加映】 每天都好疲累?檢查心理崩潰的七個徵兆